Seaton - Have Your Say

When I was elected as your MP, I promised that I would be an MP for everyone within the Workington Constituency, not just those who voted for me. That is a promise I intend to keep. It is very important that I know what you think about the important issues that affect you. It is only by listening to your concerns that I can effectively represent you in Parliament.

As your elected representative in Westminster, it is my job to make sure the voice of Seaton is heard. But in order to do that, it is vital that I know what Seaton has to say.

Seaton Survey

  • Current Local Issues
  • Local Issues
  • Your details
Which of the following are the most important issues for you and your family? Choose up to three:
What would be the best way to tackle speeding on Main Road and Seaton Road?
What measures should be introduced to reduce crime in Seaton?
Which of these council issues is your greatest concern?
Should we build more affordable housing in Seaton?