I am delighted to hear from one of our new MPs that Cumberland Council are now in favour of having an elected mayor for Cumbria. This would complete our plans for devolution in the county, for which local government reform was an important precursor.
Not only did Labour try and block that reform, they’ve completely failed to make any attempts at rationalisation, reducing duplication, and reducing the council tax burden.
The council Leader also wrote to me just last April saying the organisation couldn’t handle another major change in governance - although many residents might argue that a complete change of governance is exactly what’s required!
Prior to the end of the last parliament, the councils had entered talks for level two devolution - without a mayor. They point-blank refused to discuss level three mayoral devolution, deliberately foregoing hundreds of £millions and significant devolution of powers.
Other than which party can take credit for the investment that follows mayoral devolution, what changed?
Holding back an area whose best interests you’re supposed to have at heart, in the name of the most cynical party-political gameplaying you can imagine, is reprehensible.
Nevertheless, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. I urge our political leaders to get the deal done.
Mark Jenkinson
Former Member of Parliament for Workington